Interclub Tennis Teams
Playing on an interclub tennis team is a great way to meet players of similar ability level in a fun yet competitive setting. If you are interested in joining a team, see below or the club membership page, or contact Tennis Director Doug Sherman at
Winter 2024/25
Dates: Sep 5-Apr 12
Days/Times: Click here for more info.
Cost: Click here for more info.
Register Online Download Application
Winter 2024/25
Dates: Sep-Mar
Days/Times: Mondays: 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Cost: $35 per class
Register Online
Winter 2024/25
Dates: Sep 9-May 2
Days/Times: Click here for more info.
Cost: Click here for more info.
Register Online Download Application
Winter 2024/25
Dates: Sep 5-Apr 11
Days/Times: Click here for more info.
Cost: Click here for more info.
Register Online Download Application
Winter 2024/25
Dates: Oct-Mar
Days/Times: Thursdays: 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Cost: $35 per class
Register Online
Winter 2024/25
Dates: Sep 9-May 2
Days/Times: Click here for more info.
Cost: Click here for more info.
Register Online Download Application
Winter 2024/25
Dates: Sep 16-Apr 25
Days/Times: Mon-Fri: 6:00-8:45 a.m.
Cost: $425 + $20 per day played
Register Online Download Application
Adult Tennis Pricing
Team Armonk Clinic
1 Hour: $1225 | 1.5 Hours: $1725 | 2 Hours: $2050
Women's Cardio Tennis
Members: $25 per class | Non-Members: $35 per class
Women's Drop-in Clinic
Members: $40 per class | Non-Members: $55 per class
$60 per class
Men's Early Birds
Men's Singles League
Women's Round Robin
Members: $0 per day | Non-Members: $15 per day
Women's Tennis Camp
Members: $130 per day | Non-Members: $150 per day
Women's Summer Leagues
USTA leagues are sanctioned by the USTA and consist of both singles and doubles play. They run from May through July for players of NTRP levels 3.0 to 4.5. Matches are played in the evening. USTA league participation requires an NTRP rating and USTA membership.
Please contact us if you would like to register a team.
The Metropolitan Interclub Tennis League is an all-women's league. It is doubles only and runs during the months of May and June for players of levels A, B, and C, and in July and August for Senior-level players (ages 50+).
Spring MITL teams have professionally supervised practices and matches, which take place on assigned weekday mornings at specific times, while the Summer MITL team has only matches.
Members Only
Men's Summer Leagues
USTA leagues are sanctioned by the USTA and consist of both singles and doubles play. They run from May through July for players of NTRP levels 4.0-5.0, and 4.0 Senior. Matches are played in the evening. USTA league participation requires an NTRP rating and USTA membership.
Please contact us if you would like to register a team.
The Westchester County Tennis League is member only for A, B, and Senior levels. Matches are played on the weekend.
Members Only
Winter Leagues
From October to December, we offer USTA tri-level teams. Matches are doubles play for players of NTRP level 3.0 to 4.5 (rosters consist of 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 players or 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 players) and typically occur on weekends during the early evening. From January to March, we offer USTA mixed doubles teams, with matches generally held on weekends during the early evening. Please contact us for more information.